Research & Academic Workshops

Through partnerships with scholars, artists, institutions, and NGOs, the Vrindavan Center facilitates authentic educational and cultural experiences that grant an introduction as well as academic access to the extensive traditions of the greater Braja area. The Center is an extension of the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (OCHS) and home of the Yamuna Network. It serves as a space for the cultivation of art, research, events, and environmental awareness.

The OCHS has a Hindu Studies Online program ( that makes Hindu thought, culture, and practice available to anyone anywhere in the world. Students are given the tools to explore the meaning of Hinduism as practiced around the world and its relevance to modern life. The Vrindavan Center offers a location for students and scholars to explore these interests first-hand in the dynamic land of Vrindavan.

Interactive Museum

The Vrindavan Center will be the privileged location for an Interactive Museum of Vrindavan, the first of its kind in the area and perhaps the world. The museum will feature a series of visual and audio exhibits exploring the comprehensive history, devotional culture, and philosophy related to the holy city and sites of Vrindavan and the many saints who have resided there.

Proposed Exhibits:

  • The Six Gosvamis

  • Principal Temples & Deities of Vrindavan

  • Sacred Waters of Vrindavan

  • Significance of Yamuna River

  • Twelve Forests of Vrindavan

  • Interactive Map of Braja Mandala

Pandavali Kunja

Keshi ghat, vrindavan

The museum will be integrated into Pandavali Kunja, which consists of four galleries with over 20 different rooms ornamented with beautifully hand-carved sandstone facades and balconies. The building has been undergoing major restoration for the past few years and is scheduled to open Phase One of the Vrindavan Center in Fall of 2021. Below are some pictures and floor plans of Pandavali Kunja, demonstrating its extensive facility and suitability for the Center’s activities. Please see Restoration and History of Pandavali Kunja for more information.

Beautiful Architecture

Floor Plans